Breast Surgery Candidate 1
I Want to Reduce My Breast Size
Most patients who feel their breasts are too large consider breast reduction surgery. In almost all cases where the breast is considered too large, the breast shape is considered saggy, droopy or ‘ptotic’. There are many ways to perform breast reduction surgery and nearly all methods include lifting the breast to improve the shape.
“I recently had surgery with Dr. Scott Newman 5 months ago. He did a breast lift with implants and, at the same time he fixed my upper and lower eyelids. I must say, Dr. Newman has changed my life. My eyelid result looks completely natural- I look refreshed but no one can even tell it was from surgery. My breast result is better than anything I imagined I could ever achieve. I saw two other doctors before deciding on Dr. Newman and neither of them gave me the confidence that Dr. Newman gave me. Now, 5 months later, I have scars that are barely visible and I just got back from a vacation where I wore a bikini for the first time in fifteen years! This was the best decision I ever made and I recommend Dr. Newman highly.”
I Don’t Want to Reduce My Breast Size
Some patients who feel their breast size is large and their shape somewhat droopy do not desire a reduction in size and only wish to correct the shape. It is important to understand that the heavy weight of the breast tissue is what pulls the shape down in the first place.
One of the reasons why reduction is suggested in many cases is because larger breasts will tend to sag again in a shorter period of time. When a breast lift is done on a larger breast there are some techniques that can add internal support to the breast to make the result last longer.
There are many techniques used for breast lift surgery in the large breast and they all included some sort of internal support techniques. Some doctors perform breast lifts that tighten the skin only. I do not feel these techniques are appropriate in the large breast. There are select cases where a NO VISIBLE SCAR technique can be used but, with a large breast, this is often not advisable.
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