What You Need To Know About Body Contouring

body contouring

Weight loss surgeries are becoming more common as the days go by. People are losing over 100 pounds or more. Experts say that the results of this procedure are dicey as it can be both rewarding as much as it can be cruel. This is because layers of excess skin would form to make up for the lost layers of fat.

A sub specialty section of the medical field called “body contouring plastic surgery” was developed to tackle such aesthetic concerns of those that have lost a lot of weight either through dieting or the weight loss surgery.

Types of Body Contouring Plastic Surgeries

Tummy tucks and breast lifts have been around for ages but what makes body contouring special is the fact that it affects more than one part of the body. The most common body contour surgery is the lower body lift which includes the midsection, the tummy and outer thighs. Other types include:

  • Upper body lift: This focuses on the breast and the back. It also makes lifts for the arms, the face, the inner thigh and also the neck. The best approach is to use two or more surgeons who will work simultaneously on one patient, it reduces the length of time spent on anaesthesia and helps in speedy recovery.

Is Body Contouring Safe?

Yes, body contouring is generally safe. So far there have been no signs of safety problems. The rare problems that occur are usually complications,ranging from excess bleeding to the patient needing a second surgery. Research shows that patients that underwent surgery for the removal of excess fat in the stomach and intestine and waited a year before going for body contouring surgery saw great improvements in their body shape and structure, they also saw that the complication rate was greatly reduced. It is advised that patients wait one year after before they embark on body contouring surgery. Even when they do wait, it does not totally remove the chances of a complication. This complication includes drastic loosening of the tightened skin and this would lead to the patient coming back for surgery.

Who Exactly is Body Contouring for?

Losing weight does not automatically mean that you need body contouring. Not everyone that loses weight need the surgery. The need for surgery would be solely dependent on the age of the patient, how much exposure to the sun the patient has, the genetic composition, the evenness of weight distribution and most importantly, how you feel when you look at your reflection.

Things to Consider Before Having this Surgery

  • Stabilize your weight by correcting all your nutritional deficiencies. It often takes at least three months to stabilize weight.
  • Get support network you can trust in. It’s better to use family and friends to help you through the recovery process.
  • Remember that the scars are permanent, although they will fade over time, they will not get completely removed. You have to understand that it is a trade off.

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