Breast Implant Placement Options

Breast Implant Placement Options

One of the most important decisions you will have to make regarding your breast augmentation procedure involves breast implant placement.

There are two options to choose from.

Your breast implants can either be placed directly under the breast tissue, but over the pectoral muscle (subglandular placement) or underneath your pectoral muscle (submuscular placement).

There are advantages and disadvantages to each breast implant placement option.

At your initial consultation, your plastic surgeon will recommend the ideal placement option for you based on the size and shape of your breasts as well as your aesthetic goals.

Let’s take a look at both options.

Subglandular Placement

Subglandular placement is ideal if you are looking to correct mild sagging issues and do not want to undergo a breast lift. It is also a good option for women with a substantial amount of natural breast tissue.

Some advantages of subglandular placement include:

  • Less pain
  • Quicker recovery time
  • Allows for more natural movement when walking or using chest muscles

However, there are also several drawbacks to subglandular placement which make this option less than ideal for many women.

Women with minimal natural breast tissue may find that their implants are more visible with subglandular placement. Also, your chances of rippling are greater. As a result, this option is generally not recommended if you are using saline implants.

Submuscular Placement

I, as do many doctors, prefer submuscular placement for the majority of patients.

This breast implant placement option is ideal for women who are very thin or who have very little natural breast tissue, since placement underneath the muscle minimizes the chance that the implant will be visible to others. It is also an ideal option if you prefer saline implants since it reduces the likelihood of rippling.

Other advantages of submuscular placement include:

  • Reduced risk of capsular contracture, a complication resulting in a hardening of the implants
  • More natural slope on top of the breast
  • Less likely to impede a mammogram

The main drawback associated with submuscular placement is a longer recovery time.

Your doctor should discuss these risks and benefits with you in great detail if they feel submuscular placement is right for you.

If you have any further questions about these options or would like to schedule a consultation with me, then contact us today.


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