The amount of time you take to recover from your breast augmentation depends on a number of factors, including the placement of your implants, your overall health and the degree to which you follow New York plastic surgeon Dr. Scott Newman’s postoperative advice.
Taking special care of your surgical site in addition to refraining from overexertion and smoking can help speed your recovery time. Dr. Newman will review your recovery plan with you in full detail.
Implant Placement and Recovery Time
Subglandular implants are placed just below your breast tissue, above the muscles in your chest. This placement requires a less invasive surgery, and lends itself to a faster recovery.
Subglandular implants require up to four days of rest after surgery. During this time, refraining from work and physical exertion will help your body fully heal. Swelling, mild discomfort, and bruising may take up to two weeks to subside. Full healing can be expected in one to two months.
Submuscular implants are placed below the muscles in your chest. This placement requires a more involved surgery and therefore a longer healing period. Like subglandular implants, submuscular implants require up to four days of rest immediately following surgery. Moderate pain, swelling, and bruising may last for up to one month. Full recovery generally takes around four months.
With both placement options, Dr. Newman can help you control discomfort with prescription pain relievers. Swelling and bruising can be kept down with compression garments and mild forms of exercise. Your personal recovery time may vary based on your body’s natural ability to heal. Dr. Newman will discuss this with you during your initial consultation.
If you live in or around Westchester, Long Island, or New York, New York and are interested in learning more about breast augmentation, please contact board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Scott Newman at Newman Plastic Surgery to schedule a free consultation today.