For many women, breast reduction surgery has given them the most incredible results. It may be an investment of your time, energy and cash yet it does provide a great sense of well-being for the right patient. It is an emotional process, with many finding that if they focus on the end results, it becomes far easier to cope with the swelling and bruising that is a part of breast reduction surgery. When it comes to this procedure, the top concern that we hear in Westchester, Long Island, and NYC from interested candidates is whether breast tissue will regrow after the surgery. Here’s what you need to know.
Breast Reduction Procedure
With breast reduction surgery, the size of the breasts is reduced in order to reduce the emotional strain, stress and physical discomfort the patient is undergoing. Your surgeon removes the breast tissue, fatty tissue, and any excess skin so that your breasts can be reshaped, resulting in lighter and more proportional breasts to your body. Two anchor-shaped incisions are made from the nipples down to the fold of the breasts; with this procedure being able to be performed as an outpatient you can recover in the comfort of your own home. The final result of surgery is that you now have a long-lasting breast reduction.
Is Breast Tissue Regrowth Possible?
The simple answer is yes. But do not be deterred as you are able to do something about this. Changes in weight, further stress or even illness can unbalance the hormones in your body. Sometimes the repercussions are that breast tissue may regrow. However, it is very rare that it occurs, let alone require second surgery. Some of the stimulants for possible regrowth can be:
- Menopause causing hormonal shifts
- Large weight gain
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Potential medications that affect the endocrine system
- Physical growth after surgery – more of a concern for teenagers and younger women
How Can Tissue Regrowth Be Prevented?
Staying in tune with how your body feels will help you notice any changes, so the best way to enjoy, while maintaining, your breast reduction is to ensure you take proper care of your physical self. Eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, make sure you exercise several times a week. All of these together will keep you at a more consistent weight. If you are planning on a pregnancy talk this through with your plastic surgeon so that your breasts can be monitored, post-birth. Work on a strategy to maintain your hormones as this will help prevent regrowth. If you can adhere to these strategies then you minimize the chances of any unwanted regrowth. But, remember, the vast majority of breast reduction women go on to live the rest of their lives, happy with their smaller breasts with no issues.
How To Plan Your Breast Reduction Surgery
Firstly, you should consult with a board certified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Scott Newman, MD. He will discuss the procedure and the expected outcome, while it is also an excellent time to ask any questions that may be worrying you. Once you are happy and comfortable with the procedure, then you can book for a life changing event!