How Social Media Is Transforming The Face Of Rhinoplasty

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In this current day and age, we are collectively uploading millions of photographs on a daily basis. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Some do this for fun while others may seek validation by getting positive Instagram and Facebook comments. The rise of social media also means that beauty images are everywhere to find online.

Today, doctors around the world are experiencing an increase in clients that demand facial plastic surgery solutions such as nasal surgery because of pictures they saw through their social media accounts and other online sources. For instance, some younger patients have brought selfies into their doctor’s office to request a physically appealing and more uniform nose. Let’s find out more on how social media has been influencing the demand for rhinoplasty:

More People are Conscious About Their Appearances Because of Social Media

Since 2015, the rise of an Internet-obsessed culture has prompted an increase of individuals (under 30 years of age) seeking rhinoplasty, dermal injections, and other cosmetic procedures. This phenomenon could also be the result of a Kardashian addicted society, or just an outcry to be loved or seen. The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has reported that over 30% of patients come in with requests for reconstructive treatments due to their social media needs.

Since the introduction of Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc., the users’ dependence upon social media normally mirrors the confidence he or her has within themselves. As a result, they may feel that rhinoplasty surgery is one of the ways they can use to make them feel better about their overall appearance and selfies.

Considering Rhinoplasty for Yourself?

Also known as a nose job, rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is designed to straighten a twisted nose, correct uneven or large nostrils, straighten out fills and hooks in dents and dips, flatten out humps, restore natural balance to an asymmetrical nose, and more.

While you are considering the procedure, you should know as you spend a great deal of the day scrolling through social media accounts and the users’ selfies, those filtered photographs do not honestly represent one’s natural self. Although everyone yearns for a flawless appearance, you should keep in mind that many pictures online have been altered in some way.

Yes, rhinoplasty can correct misgivings you have pertaining to your nose. However, it is not a solution to help you look like everyone else. Typically, you might be a suitable candidate for rhinoplasty if you set realistic expectations of what the procedure can accomplish or you have simple dissatisfactions with the shape or size of your nose. In addition, you need to make sure that you are in generally good health.

To find out if rhinoplasty really suits you, you are recommended to consult our doctor, Dr. Scott Newman. He specializes and performs rhinoplasty in the New York area, and can answer any questions you may have pertaining to the procedure.

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