Questions about Nose Surgery

Who is a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

If you are dissatisfied by the way your nose looks or have trouble breathing due to the structure of your nose, you are likely a good candidate for nose surgery. Most plastic surgeons recommend that you wait to undergo a rhinoplasty until your nose has completely developed. This generally occurs as a teenager.

How long will it take before I see the complete results?

You will most likely begin to see results from your rhinoplasty quickly. However, it typically takes a full year for all of the swelling to subside and the final results to emerge. Swelling should begin to dissipate within one week, and 80 to 100 percent of the discoloration should fade within two to three weeks. The residual swelling that takes a full year to fade is usually not visible to you or other observers.

Will insurance cover my surgery?

Unfortunately, elective cosmetic procedures are usually not covered by insurance companies. However, if your nose surgery is being performed to address a functional issue (i.e. you can’t breathe through your nose), then your insurance carrier may cover the portion of the cost that is related to correcting these problems.

Please contact Dr. Scott E. Newman at Newman Plastic surgery to schedule an individual consultation today. We proudly serve patients in Westchester, Manhattan, New York City and Long Island, New York.

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