Losing Weight Is Only Half The Story

losing weight

It is important to try to stay in shape and keep your weight at a good manageable level. However, there may be times in life that we overeat or have such emotional trauma that our eating habits become chaotic. Exercise may be the furthest from our minds and no matter how much we keep telling ourselves we will change tomorrow; the cycle seems to continue. However, once we reach a certain stage, and that can be different for everyone, we resolve to make changes. That is when we really do start to change. Watching what we eat and undertaking regular exercise will not only help us lose weight but will also improve health, stamina and overall life expectancy.

If your weight has increased dramatically and is out of proportion with your body height, you may find that you will need to lose a lot of weight. Sometimes this weight gain is connected to pregnancy and once the baby has been delivered, the excess weight remains. Going on a diet is usually what people do to achieve weight loss and with so many diets around, you will find it quite easy to lose the excess weight. However, that may leave behind a different problem – that of sagging or loose skin. This is because as you lose weight, the fat is removed from under the skin, causing the skin to shrink. The skin may have stretched so much due to the addition of the excess weight that it does not contract nearly as well as you hope, even when you undertake exercise. So, what can you do about that?

Tummy Tucks

Many people choose to invest in tummy tucks, or to give them the proper name, abdominoplasty. During this cosmetic surgery procedure, the excess skin (and what remains of the fat underneath it) is removed. This can also have the effect of creating a smoother abdomen, which will allow you to increase your abdominal muscles for a more defining and sculpting effect. Tummy tucks will not be able to remove stretch marks caused by the quick increase in body mass, unless they form part of the areas that are to be removed.

Surgical Procedure

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure, so you will need to be fit and healthy in order for it to go ahead. It is done under anesthetic, so of course there are associated risks, which you will find with any kind of surgical intervention.

Abdominoplasty Recovery Time

An abdominoplasty is a very common procedure, but you will have a recovery period of time afterwards. You will not be able to go straight back into your daily life. You use your abdominal area much more frequently than you might expect, and as you take this for granted, you may find the recovery time is longer than you expect. It can vary from person to person, but in general you will not be back into a vigorous activity until around 6 weeks have elapsed, but you will be fully advised of this prior to and at the time of the procedure. Your scar should heal fairly quickly, but it will around three months of recovery time. In fact, it may take the scar up to two years to reach its final appearance.

Newman Plastic Surgery & Laser Center, are leaders in the field of tummy tucks and are available to answer all of your questions, however small. Please contact us for more information or an informal chat about the process.

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