5 Reasons to Choose SculpSure over CoolSculpting

5 Reasons To Choose SculpSure Over CoolSculpting

Non-surgical body contouring has become a popular way to sculpt the body without discomfort or downtime. With a variety of options in non-surgical body contouring to choose from today, how do you know which procedure will suit your needs and aesthetic goals best? At Newman Plastic Surgery & Laser Center, we have five reasons why our Manhattan patients choose the cutting-edge SculpSure over CoolSculpting for all of their body contouring concerns.

Laser Technology at its Finest

CoolSculpting uses a process known as cryolipolysis or targeted cooling to destroy fat cells underneath the skin’s surface. In contrast, SculpSure utilizes laser technology to heat the fat cells, releasing them from tissue so they can be eliminated naturally by the body. The procedure is non-invasive and comfortable for patients, with many likening it to a soothing warming sensation.

Treatment Times Cut in Half

A standard treatment session using CoolSculpting takes one hour. SculpSure treatments take around 25 minutes to complete, cutting your time in the physician’s office by more than half. Both treatments allow patients to return to regular activities as soon as the procedure is over, minimizing the overall disruption in your daily schedule.

Ability to Treat Multiple Areas in One Session

SculpSure features four different applicator heads, allowing for treatment of four different areas of the body at one time. CoolSculpting can only treat one area at a time. This means if you have more than one area to target, you can cut down your treatment time exponentially by opting for SculpSure over CoolSculpting.

Stimulates Collagen and Elastin Production

There is another benefit of laser technology that is not offered with cryolipolysis. Laser energy successfully stimulates collagen and elastin production to create smoother more supple skin. Skin tightening also occurs, which can leave the treatment area looking much smoother and more natural after SculpSure than CoolSculpting.

Stellar Results from a Single Procedure

The final advantage SculpSure has over CoolSculpting is its ability to achieve desired results in just a single treatment session. While some patients get similar results with CoolSculpting, most require two or three treatment sessions to see full fat reduction. This is another way SculpSure is more efficient, both from a cost and a time perspective.

SculpSure is the newest method of non-surgical body contouring, so it is not yet available through most plastic surgeons. However, the technology is offered at Newman Plastic Surgery & Laser Center, where we provide patients cutting-edge options in surgical and non-surgical cosmetic enhancements. To learn more about this revolutionary procedure, contact Newman Plastic Surgery & Laser Center at (212) 472-6100.

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