Neck Lift For Men

neck lift for men

Throughout time, the neck has been and still is one of common areas of your body that show signs of again.It may begin with changes to the definition of the jaw or loose skin around the chin. Overtime, fat accumulates and the skin around the jaw sags making your chin and jaw blend with the neck. This usually begins in the late thirties and early forties. Then from the late forties to early fifties, the skin begins to sag, forming an appearance that is similar to a turkey gobbler.

The possession of strong jaws and prominent chins are the key features that makes a man look masculine. A neck lift is a cosmetic procedure meant for men that have loose skin, extra fat deposited around the jaw and neck and those who generally have poor definition in those areas. The procedure helps reshape the neck and jaw.

Consulting the Surgeon

When it comes to facial plastic surgery for males, extra caution is required. This is because men hate the “turkey neck” as much as the females do but they are not too keen on a face lift so they do not look feminine. They want to look like themselves, only rejuvenated.

Before embarking on a neck lift surgery, you should sit down and discuss with the surgeon about your health history and goals, the best procedures for you and the things you would need to do for speedy recovery. During these consultation, the doctor will examine your face structure, take pictures that for your medical records, and make sure that you have realistic expectations of the outcome.

Risks Involved and Possible Complications

There are however, risks involved in this process as with any other surgical process so it is not peculiar to face lifting. These risks include pain, bleeding, reaction to anaesthetic drugs, infection, swelling, etc. Tingling, tightness, burning or numb sensation, pulling etc. All of these are complications and will dissipate after a few weeks.

The Procedure

The patients are placed under general anaesthesia for two hours before the surgery, sometimes the local anaesthesia contains sedatives. The face lifting for men involves a variety of procedures. It could be to tighten the skin muscles, to remove fat through a process called liposuction, to trim or tighten the excess skin and to reposition the remaining skin to give a younger look.

Available Options

  • Platysmaplasty: This procedure is for younger patients that suffer from “turkey waddle deformity”. This deformity could be caused by loosened muscles, genetic fat deposits, and skin that is pliable. The procedure could be to have liposuction performed, where the surgeon makes a small incision under the chin.
  • Open neck lift: This incision is made behind the ear to remove the skin. The endoscope is used by most surgeons to ensure minimum risk.
  • Cervicoplasty: This is the surgical incision done for older patients where the cut is made behind the ear and under the chin to remove the skin. This incision is done in a zig zag method.


Most surgeries done where the patients are induced with anaesthesia often leave the patients groggy. This means that you will have to call someone to drive you home. When the bruise fades and the swelling subside, you will feel sore. For several weeks, you will feel as though your skin is tightened which is normal. It is recommended that a compression bandage for the first week to speed up recovery.

Try purchasing:

  1. Ice packs
  2. Button down shirts that are loose and comfortable
  3. Gauze
  4. Use petroleum jelly and anti bacteria ointments.

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